The Nigeria’s Minister of Education, Dr. Morufu Alausa is inviting interested and qualified Nigerians to participate in the 2024/2025 Nomination Interview for Bilateral Education Agreement (BEA). The Federal Scholarship Board of the Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria is offering the Bilateral Educational Agreement (BEA) Scholarship Awards for Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to study overseas.
Undergraduate level available programmes are engineering, geology, agriculture, sciences, mathematics, languages, environmental sciences, sports, law, social sciences, biotechnology, architecture, medicine and postgraduate level (Master’s Degree and PhD) are available in all fields. All applicants for postgraduate degree courses must hold a First Degree with 1st Class or at least, 2nd Class, Upper Division.
Application deadline is January 12, 2025, applicants are to follow this link to apply:

It’s good that the ministry of education is taking little things like this into accounts
Very good initiative