September 8, 2024 3:52 AM
September 8, 2024 3:52 AM

The Loss and Damage Youth Grantmaking Council (LDYGC), in partnership with the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) and Open Society Foundations, invite aspiring changemakers to seize the opportunity by applying for its  US$275,000 global grant cycle and make a difference in addressing climate-related challenges.

The grant is aimed at seeking concrete actions to address the impact of climate change in vulnerable communities. By concrete action, we mean tangible measures taken to tackle loss and damage in vulnerable communities within the areas of focus outlined in the year’s themes, visit: The grant cycle excludes any application with a central focus on capacity building and awareness campaigns unless it is a highly important component, without which the project fails to achieve its initial goal. For this year’s grant cycle, the council would distribute a total of US$275.000 to nine projects by youth-led organisations. This would be divided between two large grants of US$50,000 each and seven medium-sized grants of US$25,000.

A large grant (US$50,000) means a high financial allocation intended to support long-term initiatives with a broader reach and significant measurable outcomes. The implementation of a large grant can take a year or more. A medium-sized grant (US$25,000) means a financial allocation intended to support long-term initiatives that are more specific in their target and more flexible in their implementation. The Council uses a wide range of eligibility criteria with the goal of having youth-friendly eligibility, addressing some of the issues faced by youth and grassroots organisations in marginalised communities. Applications should cover the criteria below:

1. The lead applicant must be 35 or below and must have or lead a youth organisation or grassroots organisation applying operating locally or nationally especially those located in the most affected areas, vulnerable communities, marginalised groups, or any other that is not mentioned.

2. The application should fall into “action to address L&D” from the themes of the grant and must be submitted before the deadline through the google form.

3. The project proposal can be submitted in English, French, or Spanish. Applicants submitting in French or Spanish are advised to attach a translation of their project proposal in English, if possible. The project proposal must not be more than three pages and complete for incomplete proposals will not be considered.

4. The submitted project must fall within the grant’s scope, which is to fund ‘concrete actions to address loss and damage’ by excluding capacity building and awareness campaigns.

Application closes on March 15 while winners would be announced in June 2024. You can apply for the grant using the application form. You can apply in English, French, and Spanish. Kindly select your preferred language of application in the form and application question for your language will be presented. Visit: OR


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