October 18, 2024 6:00 AM
October 18, 2024 6:00 AM

T’ebi bati kuro ninu iṣe, iṣe a buṣe; a Yoruba proverb meaning “If we remove hunger from poverty, poverty vanishes” accurately describes the heart cry of hundreds of youths, who flooded Ibadan in Oyo State roads, protesting the state of the economy and hardship caused by rising food prices.

This collective cry resonates as the youth voice their discontent against hunger’s relentless grip on the nation. Amid the chants and placards highlighting economic hardships, it is essential for the youth to embrace endurance while championing agricultural solutions. The protest serves as a poignant reminder that adversity can be overcome, much like nurturing a crop from seed to harvest. As the protest train weaves through the city streets, it is essential that everyone keeps alive by first keeping hope awake.

Residents protesting high cost of living in Ibadan.

The rising cost of living and escalating food prices are indeed thorns in our collective path, but just as a farmer tends to the soil, we must cultivate a mindset of endurance. Our agricultural landscape has the potential to yield abundance, provided we sow the seeds of innovation and sustainable practices. The chant of ‘Ebi n’pawa’ echoes not only shows hunger in the land, but also stresses the need for a robust agricultural revolution. Instead of succumbing to despair, Nigerians should channel their frustration into advocating for pragmatic steps to make our nation self-sufficient in food production. We must get it right in all-round restructuring of the nation. The placards, with their poignant messages, beckon leaders to fulfill promises and end the cycle of disappointment. It’s time to cultivate a renewed hope, one grounded in the fertile soil of agricultural prosperity.

The call for an end to food scarcity and high food prices is a call to action – a call to plow through challenges and plant the seeds of change. In the face of adversity, endurance becomes our greatest ally. The protests under the scorching sun, from Mokola to Agodi Gate, mirrors the path of a seed growing into a sturdy plant – fraught with obstacles, yet resilient in its pursuit of sunlight. Let this protest not only voice grievances, but also serve as a rallying cry for a nation that reaps what it sows. As we navigate these turbulent times, let our youth become cultivators of change, nurturing the fields of innovation, sustainability, and agricultural abundance. The promise of a bountiful harvest lies ahead, and with endurance as our guiding principle, we shall overcome the hunger that casts its shadow over our nation.


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