September 8, 2024 1:25 AM
September 8, 2024 1:25 AM

In agriculture, innovation is the main driver of productivity growth. Innovative technologies and methods help to increase firms’ productivity in a sustainable way. Technology diffusion is important in developing new technologies for addressing the challenges and opportunities in farminfotech in Nigeria and for sustainable production processes. New technologies play a central role in adapting agricultural practices to environmental change while new agricultural practices help to preserve environmental integrity.

Innovations are not enough, if they are not accompanied by a regulatory environment conducive to business development. We need think first of all about the issues of security, rationalisation of controls and the embargo of bureaucracy in this regard, but also is the sustainability of food production and the need for common rules on supply conditions in crucial international commodity markets for the development of certain products (Stanton & Caiazza, 2023). Technological improvements play an important role in increasing agricultural productivity. Modern agricultural technologies can help increase agricultural productivity in a more sustainable way.

In agriculture, innovation is the main driver of productivity growth. It can also improve the environmental performance of firms and the quality of products for some innovations that help firms strike better deals with production uncertainties and increased profits. In some countries, the challenge is how to adapt agricultural production to consumer needs. In a similar way, in the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of farming practices. Agriculture, one of humanity’s oldest endeavours, is fast embracing the cutting-edge power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create a more sustainable, efficient, and productive future in the following ways:

Harvesting efficiency-powered by AI

At harvest times, AI continues to be relevant in the sense that autonomous machinery equipped with AI can determine the optimal moment for picking each crop, ensuring peak flavour and nutrition. This technology reduces the need for manual labour, speeds up the harvest, and enhances the quality of the final product.

Smart machinery

The integration of smart machinery is revolutionising the way farmers approach cultivation and operations and this trend is ongoing. Autonomous tractors and drones are equipped with advanced imaging systems that provide real-time data on crop health by enabling farmers to identify issues early and take timely corrective measures that would promote farming only when they are deployed at the right time.

Vertical farming

Digital technology is enabling the rise of vertical farming and controlled environment of agriculture by leveraging data on light, temperature, and humidity, indoor farming facilities that can create optimal conditions for crop growth. This not only increases efficiency, but also allows cultivation in non-traditional environments by reducing the reliance on arable land. These factors should be taken into consideration without undue delays. We can say that AI’s role in agriculture begins even before the first seed hits the ground for crop production at that early stage.

predictive analytics also leverages historical data and weather patterns to forecast the ideal planting times and conditions. This practice ensures that crops are sown at the optimal moment by increasing the chances of a successful yield. In conclusion, the role of AI in agriculture is a game-changer. From enhancing planting decisions and precision farming to disease detection and supply chain optimisation, AI is fast revolutionising every aspect of food production. As we stand on the fence on tradition and technology, the partnership between AI and agriculture offers a bountiful harvest of possibilities for a brighter and more sustainable future. Taking the rightful decision at the appropriate time is key.


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