September 8, 2024 1:15 AM
September 8, 2024 1:15 AM

By Chisom Mabia

There is a strong relationship between love and food security. Hence, it is important for individuals, communities, and governments to recognise the value of farming and food production in achieving greater security and well-being. This can involve supporting local farmers, investing in sustainable agriculture, promoting access to financial resources and social support networks, and improving access to information and technology. By prioritising food security as a love language, individuals and communities can foster greater resilience and connection, while also contributing to the health and sustainability of the planet.

Whether through exchanging of food baskets with loved ones, investing in local agriculture, or adopting sustainable farming practices, there are many ways to promote food security and well-being in Nigeria and beyond. Having celebrated the last Valentine’s Day amidst inflation, naira notes scarcity, and fuel scarcity, let us remember the importance of love, connection, and the basic necessities of life in achieving a sense of security and well-being. Let us also recognise the role that farming, food, funds, and access to family, fun, and information can play in promoting self-sufficiency, sustainability, and resilience. By embracing these sources of security and joy, we can build a more resilient and fulfilling future for ourselves and our communities.

Now, let me ask a question: Do you know that being a farm owner and engaging in farming is a way of showing love? Being an advocate for food security makes festivals of love to be more colourful, as lovers exchange fruits and food, as a reflection of their sign of affection. This exercise is therapeutic and offers a heightened sense of security at a time such as this in Nigeria. Few days ago, farmers, family members, friends and business associates all over the world bought and sold more fruits and food than they had since after the Christmas and New Year. This was impulsive and joyous form of activities; driven by the spirit of celebration of love for farming, food, funds and access to family and information (data) remain sources of security, as the economy nears its elections in the next few days.

These essential things provide individuals and families with basic necessities of life, financial stability, social support, and opportunities for leisure and personal growth. For example, a couple celebrating on a Valentine’s Day found security in the knowledge that they have access to fresh and nutritious food, which contributed to their physical and emotional well-being. They also feel secure knowing that they have a stable source of income that allows them indulge in activities that they enjoy, such as going out to dinner or taking a romantic weekend getaway. Additionally, having access to family and friends can provide a sense of security and great sense of comfort.

Finally, access to information, particularly data about economic trends and financial planning, can help individuals and families make informed decisions about their finances, investments, and other aspects of their lives. Overall, the celebration of Valentine’s Day would always be a reminder of the importance of love, affection, and connection in our lives. At the same time, it highlights the importance of basic necessities of life, financial stability, social support, and access to information in achieving a sense of security and well-being. In Nigeria, one way that individuals and families are pursuing these sources of security is by engaging in farming and food production. This is because owning farms and producing food is not only a means of generating income and securing access to fresh and nutritious food, but it can really be a way of showing love with its therapeutic activity that provides a sense of purpose, pride, and fulfillment.


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