October 18, 2024 6:07 AM
October 18, 2024 6:07 AM

An Agronomist, Gbenga Akinyemi, has said that the Malay Apple helps eyesight become clearer and sharper, and prevents the consumer from skin cancer because of the Vitamin C content. The Fiber in Malay apple is good for the digestive system of the body.  It eases defecation. “The Iron in this apple will help your bones become stronger, so you do not worry about osteoporosis or other bone problems. With a lot of minerals and vitamins, Malay Apple will increase the antioxidant in your body. So, you will be healthier to fight against any disease. Malay apple has several traditional medicinal applications.  In Brazil, healers make plant remedies to allay cough, diabetes, headache, constipation and catarrh”, Adeyemi stated. He said whenever the word “apple” is mentioned in Nigeria, it is usually the imported apples from South Africa, Europe, the United States or the white and pink in colour local apple that readily comes to the mind of anyone here in Nigeria.

He said as an agronomist and a graduate of crop production, he never knew that a unique tropical apple existed in Nigeria until 2005, when he saw and touched for the first time a distinct, glistering and an amazing tropical apple variety at Okota, lsolo, Lagos. “Different thoughts and questions started running through my mind from then and in August 2008, the pioneering work on this tropical apple, as a new knowledge in the field of crop production and a potential apple business concept, started. “Malay apple, a relatively new and unique tropical apple variety from Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam, but now produced in Lagos, Ogun, Kaduna, Enugu, Kogi, Bayelsa amongst other states in Nigeria. It was introduced to Nigeria over fifty (50) years ago from my research findings.  It is the biggest apple type in the world.  It has a sweet sour taste, over 90% juice content or moisture per apple and with high fiber content.  Inside each Malay apple is a big oblate and brown in colour seed”, he said.

The Agronomist said Malay apple is highly nutritious and medicinal. He noted that this is evident in the nutrient composition and several traditional applications of the seeds, roots, and leaves. “It comes in three major colours – red, green and white/cream.  The common type in Nigeria now is the red.  It has thee different shapes – oblong, obovoid and bell.  It is organically produced in Nigeria without the use of chemicals to the best of my knowledge for now. The massive production of the Malay apple in Nigeria will boost local fruit production; make available fresh apples for consumption without any chemical preservative for wholesome health benefits; to help reduce Nigeria’s bill on imported apples; as a wealth creation option in the areas of production and processing into valuable products such table wine, jam, marmalade, juice and cider for local consumption and export; and to create job opportunities for graduates of agriculture and other relevant disciplines”, he added.

Source: Nigerian Tribune   


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