September 8, 2024 3:50 AM
September 8, 2024 3:50 AM

The Nigerian Institute of Soil Science (NISS), South-West Zone has organised a train-the-trainer workshop for farmers and extension agents on how to use soil test kit in the farm. During the event held at the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IAR&T), Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Oyo  State; the Zonal Coordinator, Prof. James Adediran, said that to enhance food security, the problematic issue of soil in agricultural production should be accorded due attention and that NISS had made it mandatory to forge ahead in training stakeholders on the strategies required to manage various soils in Nigeria.

“Soil is part of our environment and it is a vital input in agricultural production. Continuous land cultivation and improper handling of soil adversely affect its productivity and consequently, crop yield. Thus, organising this workshop is apt and useful in promoting sustainable soil management. Soil is a strorehouse for plant nutrients and we need to know what the soil is keeping in the store. Also, soil can be sick and may not be able to support crop plant growth, or the plant itself is sick because of sick soil. Soil testing is the only way out. Soil samples are normally taken to laboratory for analysis. However, certain instrument can be used on the field to detect plant nutrients or diagnose what is missing in the soil. This tool is known as test kit”, he stated further, as soil other experts from various academic institutions took participants on the rudiments of using the soil testing kit while participants were given test kit to use on their farms.


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