April 30, 2024 2:27 PM
April 30, 2024 2:27 PM

Rotten tomatoes are tomatoes that have started to decay or spoil. When tomatoes start to rot, they may become discoloured, mushy, and emit a bad odour. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as improper storage, damage to the fruit, or exposure to bacteria or fungi. Rotten tomatoes are not safe to eat and can cause food poisoning and cancer, if consumed, as eating spoiled food can lead to a range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, and dehydration.

A nutritionist, Mrs. Toyin Aliu of the College of Health Technology, Offa, Kwara State, said that the consumption of rotten tomatoes, popularly known as ‘esa’ or ‘baje’, could cause cancer. Aliu told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that maggots-infested tomatoes could cause bacterial poisoning when consumed. ”The fungi in rotten tomatoes are sources of potent mycotoxins, which can be detrimental to health. Rotten tomatoes can induce cancer, because once tomatoes become rotten, they will have microorganisms, mostly fungi.

“Fungi in rotten tomatoes produce mycotoxins, which are deadly and can induce cancer, and can cause immune deficiency in humans. Since tomatoes contain a large amount of fluid, mycotoxins diffuse rapidly in rotten tomatoes, contaminating all parts and making it bad for consumption. Rotten tomatoes grow mold on their bodies and serve as abode for worms and maggots from the common. Even though rotten tomatoes were cheaper, it was better to eat healthy tomatoes than to consume potential poison. The effect of consuming such tomatoes is not immediate, but gradual. So, it is better to eat the one we feel is expensive that to consume the cheap one and regret later”, Aliu said.


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